It is not to often that I post about anything political, but I am compelled to express my gratitude. Gratitude towards all the men and women that risk their lives every day to help keep our country free, and gratitude towards the Almighty God for the protection of those I hold dear while they serve our country.
After the recent
helicopter crash I was grateful to hear that a good friend of mine is safe. However he suffers a great loss - the loss of his comrades; his brothers.
"He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother”. William Shakespeare
While reading an article about the crash I learned that the 66th Rescue Squadron flies search and rescue, aeromedical evacuation, and disater relief missions. As most may know it was during an aeromedical evacuation that this helicopter was shot down. I also learned that the motto of the 66th Rescue Squadron is
"These Things I Do So Others May Live"
Their motto, "These Things I Do So Others May Live", has been ringing through my mind all day. Considering we here in NY are in the middle of a conference I can't help but make a spiritual connection. Just as the 66th Rescue Squadron lives and performs their missions so that others may live, a good man or woman of God lives their life that others may have eternal life.
So not only do I say Thank You to those that give their lives so we may live in freedom, but I also say Thank You to those that live their life so that others see Christ in them.