Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Loss of the First Tooth.

Caleb lost his first tooth not to long ago. Here are some pictures for the experience. There were a few tears but my mom really thinks that is because he remembers his surgery for having his top four teeth taken out. Once his tooth was out and he realized it really didn't hurt all was well, and exciting. In the last picture he is on the phone with dad telling him all about it.


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Eddie Storms said...

I wonder how did his conversation with his dad go. Hmm, maybe he was too excited to tell the whole story. Did he even mention about his tears? Haha! Btw, what happened back then? Why did he undergo a mouth surgery? It means that wasn't really his first lost tooth, right? He already lost 4 teeth before that. He's lucky, though. He still felt how it was like to lose a tooth naturally.

--Eddie Storms